Hi there! I’m Maxine and I’m a 24 year old fashion stylist living in Antwerp. My passion for fashion started to grow enormously when I was about 17 years old. At the time, I was looking for a prom dress and discovered some designers that I wasn’t familiar with. Their creations triggered me to start exploring. So I dived into the wondrous world of fashion. Not much later I was stuck in front of my laptop, watching my favourite designers runway shows (over and over again) hoping to ever see them in real life. You can say I was kind of addicted ; )

But that was also the moment I realised that there is nothing I would want more than be part of a team who all want the same thing: create a unique form of art. Because that’s what fashion is for me.

I knew I had to start somewhere so I took matters into my own hands. I started my education at 55 Creative Business School (previously Styleschool by Danie) to learn the ins and outs of the industry. As I’m currently in the early stage of my career, I try to assist as much as I can because there is no better way to learn, than to learn from professionals. Meanwhile, I hope to inspire as many people as I can.

